Dental Implants

Clearwater, Florida

If you're in search of a permanent solution to replace one or more missing teeth, you've come to the right place. Fundora My Dentist is proud to offer dental implants, the next best thing to your natural teeth. You'll love the incredibly lifelike results!

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are tiny, screw-shaped titanium posts designed to replace the roots of missing teeth. They provide a stable foundation for removable or fixed implant restorations that closely mimic the appearance and function of your natural teeth. No other tooth-replacement option begins to compare with dental implants and the superior results they deliver!

What Are the Types of Implant Restorations?

Dr. Fundora will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the best tooth replacement solution. The following are the most common implant restoration options:

  • Single Tooth Implants: As the name implies, a single tooth implant replaces a single missing tooth. The implant restoration involves securing a cosmetic dental crown to a dental implant, fully restoring the form and function of the missing tooth.
  • Implant-supported Bridges: Implant-supported bridges replace two or more neighboring teeth. The permanent tooth restoration option delivers unmatched stability, security, and comfort!
  • Implant-Supported Dentures: Implant-supported dentures or partials work for patients missing some or all of their teeth. They offer an incredibly stable and durable alternative to traditional dentures, with results comparable to natural, healthy teeth!

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are today's gold standard for replacing missing teeth. They are the only restorations that act like natural tooth roots, stimulating the bone in the area and preserving it. Your new prosthetic teeth won't slip or shift out of place as dentures sometimes do, providing a stable and secure tooth replacement option. With implant restorations, you'll speak with confidence, chew with ease, enjoy your favorite foods, and maintain your natural facial structure. Best of all, you'll restore your beautiful, confident smile. 

Implant surgery is safe and highly predictable, with a more than 95 percent success rate. With proper care, your implant restorations have the potential of lasting a lifetime!

Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Candidates for implant surgery must be willing to commit to meticulous oral hygiene practices to ensure the procedure's success. Moreover, they must have healthy gums and sufficient bone mass to support the implant restoration. However, if you've been missing teeth for some time and have suffered bone loss, Dr. Fundora may recommend a bone graft so you can enjoy the many benefits dental implants offer!

What Is the Implant Placement Procedure?

We will start by placing a titanium implant into your jawbone and waiting for a few months while healing takes place. During this time, the implant will fuse to the bone in a process known as osseointegration. Next, we will attach a connector known as an abutment and wait for the soft tissue to heal. The last step is securing your new implant restoration to one or more implants, leaving you with teeth that look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth!

Dental Implants Near Me

Contact Fundora My Dentist in Clearwater, FL, to learn more about restoring your healthy, confident smile with dental implants. Our dedicated team is committed to providing cutting-edge, durable restorations for long-term healthy smiles. Call us to schedule your appointment today!

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