Deep Dental Cleaning

Clearwater, Florida

Deep dental cleanings are also known as “Scaling and root planning”. These cleanings are meant to remove deposited bacterial plaque, endotoxins, and mineralized deposits from dental roots and enamel. Deep cleanings are prescribed in the presence of uncontrolled periodontal disease. Dr. Fundora will examine your bone level and gums along with our dental hygienist to make a periodontal diagnosis and decide whether you need this type of periodontal therapy. Our goal is to help you maintain your bone level and reduce further tooth mobility.

Deep cleanings are always followed by a reevaluation in six to eight weeks to check your progress and determine what type of cleaning is best for you. Typically, a reduction in gum inflammation and pocketing is followed by periodontal maintenance. Our dental hygienist may recommend using antibiotics to help control localized gum inflammation and a reduction in periodontal pocketing. Maintaining your dental appointments will help us decide whether you need a referral to a periodontist for more specialized periodontal therapy

Deep Dental Cleaning Near Me

Contact Fundora My Dentist in Clearwater, FL, to schedule your appointment today and see if you are a candidate for a deep dental cleaning!

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