Root Canal Treatment in Palm Harbor, FL

Root Canal Treatment and Endodontic Therapy in Palm Harbor

Root canal treatment is a frequent procedure in dentistry. It's one of the most requested emergency dental treatments. Early symptoms present as sensitivity to hot or cold food drinks and persist until inflammation and infection require an emergency dental visit. An endodontist will treat the infection and repair the damaged tooth.

Marcel Fundora, DMD, is a licensed endodontist serving Palm Harbor, FL, and who uses the latest technology to clear infected tooth pulp and reseal teeth. Root canal treatment is a relatively pain-free procedure.

Root canal treatment is the best option for a ruptured tooth. A serious infection could enter your bloodstream and lead to other serious health problems if left untreated.

Types of Root Canal Treatment

Endodontic treatments remain consistent. Our dentist will use either a root canal, an apicoectomy, or cracked teeth treatment for infected teeth. Fundora My Dentist in Palm Harbor wants your experience to be as pleasant as possible.

Our dentist uses the latest pain-relieving techniques to keep you comfortable during your dental procedure. Here's a brief explanation of each treatment:

  • Root canal: This is a pathway made in the gum to remove the infected pulp, remove harmful bacteria, and reseal with protective dental materials.
  • Apicoectomy: Our dentist makes tiny incisions to access the tip of the tooth root, removes the infection, and uses a sealant to protect the tooth.
  • Cracked teeth treatment: For craze lines and tooth/roof fractures, our dentist will either fill the space, crown or extract the tooth, or surgically repair the damage.

Fundora My Dentist in Palm Harbor takes your oral health very seriously and makes every effort to preserve your teeth. You will receive our dentist's best procedural care. You will also receive tips and tools to keep your teeth healthy such as proper brushing and flossing.

Searching for an Endodontist Near Me in Palm Harbor

Endodontics is a specialized are of dentistry for the treatment of pulp and gum tissue near the tooth root. At Fundora My Dentist in Palm Harbor, our endodontic dentist is experienced in repairing infected tooth root. When you search for an endodontist near me, the trusted choice for Palm Harbor residents is Fundora My Dentist. 

Our safe, gentle, and innovative techniques will help preserve your teeth and have you on your way to maximum oral health and hygiene. Searching for an endodontist near me will bring a list of different practices, but you can trust ours.

Fundora My Dentist will act swiftly in an emergency with the best treatment technologies to repair, protect, and preserve your natural teeth. Call today and schedule your visit.

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